Screw it, Lets Do it


No, I am no talking about the eternal "it" that the birds and bees and educated flees like to do. I am talking about Richard Brandson's new book, "Screw it, Lets do it".

My Father insisted that I purchase and read this little book (106 pgs). The writing is fluid and the font size is large which means its an easy read. I like this sort of book. I like Richard Branson's story. I like that he was under 20 when he first became wealthy and I like that he did it all by saying "fuck it, Im good and I know Im good, now the world needs to know."

I will be posting little snippets that I think are worth while from the book. it is very much a 'one liner' kind of book. Take from it what you think is relevant, the rest is fluff.

So to Begin:

    "I learned many lessons: not just if you want to do something, just do it, but also to prepare well, have faith in yourself, help each other, never give up."

I think that the simplicity of the statement makes it fairly valid. Everyone know's how to get to where they want to be, but many are scared to just do it. Keep watching for more from the"Virgin" himself.

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