Religion Ends a Friendship

I have already linked to the Today Trip Religious banter but I am sad to report that some people just can't keep their shit together. The debate has ended in the termination of a friendship and that saddens me. It saddens me because I thought that religion preached tolerance and understanding not brash decisions that end in the loss of a friendship due to a debate. Ridiculous.I am of the school that believes that challenging yourself and the norm is the norm. I believe that without debate, challenging thought and progressive movement the wheel would never have been invented and Africans would still be slaves. If you do not agree with this and are still taking lessons from your preacher who was taught be another preacher who learnt from the same book that the same people have been studying for 2000+ years then I feel sorry for you. This is ignorance. Learn from the bible, that's cool, it's a great little book with some little gems hidden in there somewhere. But please, please do not tell me that it is the be all and end all of knowledge. That my friends is blatant disregard for common sense and a choice to remain ignorant due to fear.Rant over and I'm out.


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