Photoshop Screwing With Our Youth

This headline might seem a bit extreme but after my post yesterday about the dramatic video illustrating a fat lady becoming a model via photoshop I am a bit concerned.I have friends, cousins, and nephews who all read magazines and watch movies. They see these stunning women and chiseled men and think that they need to strive to become these things. I have heard talk recently of clothes stores being blamed for young girls wearing padded bras, I have heard talk for years about Television causing violence and movies causes crime. What about photoshop?Is photoshop not contributing to anorexia, bulimia and other weight related and image related diseases? Should we not be calling for good photographs of real people instead of real photographs by bad photographers who are good at photoshop and make the impossible real?I say bring on the wrinkles and imperfections, that is what is real, that is what is attractive to me. I don't like every women I see on a magazine cover to be airbrushed in to goodness. It's a big fat farce and I for one do not accept it.Yes I read these magazines but I do not think that these women exist anymore. Maybe magazines need to start printing disclaimers stating how much photoshopping has been done:photowarning.png


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links for 2007-06-05