Old men and sexual harassment

Sexual Harassment is an issue in the work place. I have never experienced it personally and I think it is more of a female issue because some men believe they have the right to make women feel uncomfortable.The reason I speak of this subject is that a friend of mine recently experienced a situation that I believe could be classified as sexual harassment.Getting her lunch FriendA* was waiting in the queue to get a sandwich or something. A guy who works in the company in a higher position in the company than FriendA walks up to her and says the following:"You definitely aren't eating anything other than a salad, you can't put anything else in that tight little body of yours."What the hell is that? What gives that guy the right to talk ANYONE that way? Just because FriendA works in a position lower than his he feels that it's OK to treat her like meat?This sort of behaviour is not acceptable in any environment let alone the working environment and should be stamped out as soon as the bastards are found.


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