Do you know how to make money Or JUST DO A JOB?
There is a fundamental shift taking place in the world of work right now.
It’s a shift towards skilled people learning that they can make money on their own.
It’s a shift away from salaried employees waiting for their employers to pay them every month.
It’s a shift towards financial freedom and a shift towards globalised earning for a lot of people.
“We need to learn how to make money.”
This shift was always going to happen but pre-COVID, it was going to happen much slower. Since lockdowns kicked in worldwide, people have had to adapt and have realised that they need to figure out how to make money, not simply earn a salary.
There is a subtle but important difference between making money and earning a salary.
If you can understand this difference, adapt and explore the possibilities over the next few years, I believe you can capitalise on the remote, globalised and connected world to make money and live the kind of life you want to live.
For decades we have been told that in order to live secure financial lives we must receive formal education at traditional institutions and then graduate into a job that pays us a salary for a skill that we acquired which cost us our sanity, health and loaded us with student debt.
The problem with this thinking today is that traditional educational institutions are preparing us for jobs that don’t exist. They don’t exist because the coursework is slow to respond to the changing world but also because there literally aren’t enough jobs being created.
Globally, 73 million young people are registered as unemployed and 600 million jobs need to be created over the next decade to quell the storm. It’s rough out there and I believe it’s getting more difficult to rely on big business to employ more people and provide for those who are coming up into the working world.
We need to learn how to make money.
When you get a job you are hired to do work. That work is ingested into a larger organisation and then the business makes money according to their revenue model. Very rarely are you specifically responsible for earning a dollar. You are hired to be responsible for your work, your job, the tasks assigned to you every day.
Making money is different. Making money is a skill that you learn. Making money means never having to rely on a salaried job alone to provide you with income. Making money helps you diversify your finances and take control of your potential to earn.
Entrepreneurs know how to make money.
Entrepreneurs can spot a gap in the market or identify a unique product or provide a service that people might require and then sell to a customer base.
Salaried employees are more likely to work on a small piece of a large plan, never sell anything, never get to know their customer and usually never worry about profit or the bottom line. That’s a problem.
I run an Online Side Hustle Academy (OSHA) where I teach people how to start their own side hustles in 6-weeks. The skill that I teach, really, is to figure out what you can sell to a specific group of people in the shortest amount of time. This is a skill that I believe everyone will need to know in the coming decades.
So, the question is; do you know how to make money or simply do a job?
To get started ask yourself if you have any skills that people need, any assets that you can sell, trade or leverage to make more money or any products that you believe a specific customer base might want to buy.
I have also created a free workbook to help you get over the five common roadblocks that hold most people back from making their own money. Download it now and sign up for the five-day accountability email program too!