Is MyDigitalLife Tripling 10c Payment?

I have been hearing some kind of rumour regarding my post yesterday about MyDigitalLife (MyDL) paying authors. Yesterday I spoke of 10c per page view, now I hear that sometime next week any author will be receiving triple the payment per page view. That means that per click/pageview on any of your posts as an Author at MyDL you will receive 30c instead of 10c.This, as far as I know is still just a rumour. I am trying to get Townboy to speak up and make some kind of commitment either way, but nothing. If this is true that means a tidy little some of money for SA Rocks at MyDL next week.If you aren't an Author or even a member at MyDL yet then I suggest, just in case, you get to their site and have a look around. 30c per pageview in payment is not a bad offer at all, if it's true.


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