iPod Touch Hack - iJailbreak

Jailbreakme is all the rage right now for setting your iPodTouch free. It's a one-click app on your touch safari browser that might not work if you are an international user of the touch. I am and it didn't.I had to use the iJailbreak Itunes hack for Mac. This hack is incredible for various reasons, one being the 13 year old boy who created and broke the entire "Jailbreak" concept. Stunner, he's 13, can you say loser complex over here?Anyways on to more important things:Hacking my IpodToch (IpT) really wasn't as tough as almost every flipping guide made it out to be. You know what I did?I dowloaded this software from the wunder-kind's page. I then proceeded to follow some or other stupid guide centred around the kids software and eventually found the Ipod Touch Fans support forum. This forum is the be-all and end-all of everything you need that is touch orientated.From there I found this video:I followed the video and wham, bam, spank me man, it worked. Too easy.I can now check out the weather in JHB, check my mail via the app, without connecting to gmail through safari, write and email notes via the touch, I have an etch-a-scetch and many other things. Oh, I also located my house on Google maps...Incredible.Do yourself a favour and try it out, if you feel uncomfortable just restore your touch or iPhone to original settings and you are back in business.How to restore your iPod Touch:1) Connect the iPod Touch2) Press and hold sleep+home until the device reboots.3) Keep holding until that "please connect me to iTunes"-screen appears4) iTunes says something about having detected a touch in recovery mode. Allow it to do its thing.If you get the -18 error, proceed:5) Disconnect the iPod Touch6) Close iTunes7) Reconnect the iPod Touch8) iTunes launches and shows message as in step 4, but this time, the recovery will workThere is a list of working iPhone apps for the iPod Touch here.If you have any questions or concerns ask away, I can't promise an answer but I will try.


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