I want to be this good at whatever I do

Do yourself a favour and watch this video.Nardwuar the human serviette is just absolutely unbelievable. This video teaches me two things:

Research, research, research, research.


Presentation, presentation, presentation presentation.

The presentation of this interview is absolutely ridiculous. But absolutely brilliant. Picture an uptight man sitting in the interviews chair wearing a suit and tie asking the same questions and presenting Pharrell with the same trinkets. The interview would not have felt the same, the interviewee wouldn't have reacted that way and the interview would've been dead in the water boring and stale. Instead the presentation was off the wall from a guy with an off the wall name, attitude and vibe! Basically the combination of the research, presentation and implementation blew this interview out of the water. Fantastic.One last lesson I learned from this is that everyone you ever speak to is human. They are not rich, famous, better than you or worth more. They all came from somewhere and that somewhere more than likely resembles the self-same place that you or I come from. Treat them all like human beings with feelings and emotions and you will come out on top.


VFest South Africa Postponed


I was once a rocker. Unbelievable? Believe it.