I Am An Addict

Heroes is my drug of choice.heroes-tv-nbc-cast-thumb.jpgIf you have not watched this series you must. You have to seek out the magic that is the human genetic evolution (the superpower). Most of the characters in this series have a special power of some sort. Much like good old Clark Kent, some can fly, some can see the future, bend the space/time continuum or simply cannot die. Some have stronger powers than others and of course some are using their powers for evil...I honestly, truthfully and faithfully believe that this series is not some half-wit attempt by some Hollywood mogul who is trying to make a dollar. I think that this sort of evolutionary change is on the cards.Speaking from a 100% layman's perspective I am almost certain that it is a simple matter of one child somewhere in the world being born with the ability to use more than the measly percentage of the brain that we currently use. That would be incredible, that would be world altering, that would be great.I am also impressed with the approach that NBC has taken to the Heroes website. There are video profiles, episodes available online and most interesting of all; there are blogs. Character blogs. Real Character blogs. Not actors blogging about their characters, but the characters themselves blogging. That is novel in my opinion. I haven't seen anything like that before. Great concept.This blogging platform also seems to allow users to blog in any language and have the blog translated to any other language. Brilliant.


Live Earth Concert Lineup


links for 2007-06-12