How to boost your rankings

This simple tip comes courtesay of a Technorati Top 500 blog: GET NOTICED BY A TECHNORATI TOP 500 BLOG...This recently happened to me in a very strange way. I would live to say that I wrote the most incredible post of my life. I would love to say that a very pronounced blogger picked up my genius and subsequently blogged about it. I would love to say this. Alas, it would not be the truth.My linklove came from my daily posts from my bookmarks. A sheer stroke of luck. The blogosphere ranking gods smiled on my personal blog and gave me some love. FINALLY.So, the Duct Tape Marketing Blog picked up on my posts that are automatically posted to this blog at a certain time. To be perfectly honest I was considering dropping the posts because lately that is all that one sees on my blog, my delicious bookmarks.It looks likes they are staying and it looks like I am on the rise again (however slow that rise might be).


Big website, big adspend and a blogger blog?


links for 2007-07-28