Gay Marriage

I am personally all for gay marriage. I have no issue with and am impressed by the S.A. governments liberal and progressive stand point regarding this issue. I do have an issue with rushed marriage, gay or straight.I think that marriage is something that should be considered carefully, financially, emotionally, mentally and physically. It should not be fucked with, at all, ever. I fear that many, many gay South Africans will soon be following Vernon Gibbs and Tony Halls who went to get married on the day that same-sex marriage was legalised in South Africa. I am concerned not because of the implications and that bullshit banter. I am concerned because I think that many people will simply be getting married cause it's the latest trend in the pink circles. Crit me, mock me or disagree, but I think that there will be many, many gay divorces in the near future. Join the heteros and get married, cool, but lest us not forget that marriage is all too often followed by divorce.


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