Follow up post: Congratulations

Firstly, notice that I have spelled Guy's name right, I think it's only respectful. Guy, my name and spelling of it are right there in this blog's url, please in future get it right.Secondly, I did not prompt the below post from The Colony. He is a thousand miles away, not on this continent and I haven't spoken to the author about this AT ALL.Now, here is some of the post from The Colony:

The R395.00 gets you the basic site, however if you want to actually be involved in e-commerce you’ll need to add on extra bits and pieces for just under R2000.00. So in other words your R395.00 gets you a blog! Ummm… did I miss something or did wordpress, blogger, et al just go out of business because I could’ve sworn it was free to setup, run, and maintain a blog. This has been addressed elsewhere and so I won’t dwell on it.

As for the statement that you will be listed on Google SA within 2 days… SFW… anyone can submit their URL to Google (or any major search engine) and the bots will crawl the site. Is Guy honestly charging for a service which anyone with 5 minutes to spare can do themselves?

And finally:

Guy submits his, and his clients stories to sites like Muti and others in order to promote them. Now I have nothing against people promoting their business, however these sites are not the place for it. These are community sites where users recommend content which the community is interested in. If people are interested in the content it gets voted up, if not it gets voted down- simple. Now Guy’s submissions are getting much love from these sites and in fact he has been condemned as a spammer. I have to agree with the community that when you consistently submit your ‘own’ content which has proved to be unpopular in the past then you really need to get the message or you will be branded a spammer.

Do yourself a favour and read the entire post, it's well worth the read and helps to clarify what my issue with the CMS that Guy is offering.


Gautrain stikes


links for 2007-09-05