David Bullard Attacks Blogs


I am not sure what David Bullard ate this week but it has upset him and I think a blogger fed it to him. Bullard has chosen to take on the blogging community and done a great job of misunderstanding what Blogs are and the potential therein. I think that he hates us, us bloggers, us vocal individuals who are not employed by "the man".Bullard says, and I quote:

Most blog sites are the air guitars of journalism. They’re cobbled together by people who wouldn’t stand a hope in hell of getting a job in journalism, mainly because they have very little to say. It’s rather sad how many people think the tedious minutiae of their lives will be of any interest to anyone else.

What is this man going on about? I am sure that the thousands of readers on So Close and Peas would disagree immensely with Bullard. Unfortunately in my opinion he has missed the boat this week. The "air guitars" of journalism, I think not Mr Bullard. I can understand how many bloggers think that they will make it big if they simply write something on a blog. This is ignorant and naive and not true, obviously. But there are many, many, many blogs and bloggers who in fact work as journalists and many other professions who are bloggers too, yours truly for example.This seems to be a case of witch hunting, he doesn't understand something [blogs] and couldn't be bothered to actually do enough research to determine the extent of the reach of a blog, and especially of an effective blog at that. It is fairly strange to me that Bullard knocks blogs so hard when he interacts with many steadfast and established bloggers every day. I would love to know what CrazyRant, Groogle and YoungBlood think about Bullards attack on bloggers.To add insult to injury, Bullard then proceeds to attack the readers of blogs:

It’s even sadder when someone reads them.

Are you kidding me? Now he is insulting the choices that people make? Who is this print columnist kidding? Readers can read what they like, I choose to read Bullard's column every week as much as I choose to read Chumpstyle, 1000Mnms and many other blogs.It seems to me that Bullard is talking about the average Joe who thinks that he/she has something profound to say and then finds out that someone has said it before. I get it, there are millions of blogs out there that are ridiculous, but there is a market for them all.I am not even going to start the discussion of print vs. new media, old vs. new and which will prevail. It's not worth it and I think that if Bullard was to do a bit more research he would see that there are many great writers, journalists and citizens who are making use of their blogs for more than mindless ranting.I am disappointed.Update:Check out the following:http://vincentmaher.com/mit/?p=347#comment-28411http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2445995529http://www.unodewaal.com/2007/05/06/david-bullard-plays-air-opinion/http://www.henriska.com/blog/?p=162http://wiredgecko.net/2007/05/ill-just-write-some-drivel-then-bullard/http://justinhartman.com/2007/05/07/is-david-bullard-an-utter-wanker/http://www.greenman.co.zahttp://www.mikestopforth.com/2007/05/07/dont-prove-david-bullard-right/http://www.sharepointexpert.co.za/?p=17


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