Cooling off period

No, not the time it takes someone to stop hating you or for you to calm down after a fight. I am talking about purchasing cooling off periods.I am young and in many ways still very naive. I recently claimed (read purchased) my gym contract at Planet Fitness through my Discovery medical aid. It's incredibly cheap if you are the principal member, which I am. But I was taken for a bit of sale.On top of the simple contract there is this nifty little gadget that is provided to you at R99 a month. It's a key that your personal trainer plugs your training program in to. Then you can use it to track your progress. Sounded like a great idea at the time. Then buyers remorse hit me. Big time. I came to terms with it but was then told by my wise mother that every purchase in life has a cooling off period.We then checked through the contracts terms and conditions and guess what? There is a cooling off period of 5 days. This basically means that I am able to cancel my contract (the key thing) within five days of signing the contract. So I went back to gym today and applied to get my cash back.A lesson learned. Cooling off periods exist and they are great.


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