Competitive Blogging

Blogging has become competitive as of late. I am not sure why but I feel as though I am in an extended competition of blogging and I feel like I'm losing. I am competing against me Ama ranking in the media and marketing category, I am competing against the little ribbon in the top right of this blog, I am competing against my Afrigator ranking and my Muti presence. I am competing and as I have said, I am losing.I can't explain why I am competing and even more frustrating, I can't explain why I am losing (others, the critics, might have a few thoughts). Nonetheless I think the time has come to make some concessions.Firstly I think that one needs to realise that the blogosphere is becoming a very large place. If Bullard now has a blog then who knows how big the blogosphere is? This means that staying up in the rankings is going to become increasingly difficult. I see this everyday on Ama...if I miss just one day of blogging I drop down the rankings in a large way. WooHoo. Who cares? The truth is no one cares. So nor do I, anymore at least.Secondly I have not been blogging actively on this blog for a particularly long time. This makes it very hard to become an established blog in the market. You can argue and debate this with me all you like but the truth of the matter is that it takes time before you are established. Until such time you are a fad, a trend and cool for now, but not established. Case in point...use your imagination.Lastly blogging was never meant to be about competing for me and the fact that I am competing means that I have lost the plot somewhat. Paul is often talking about why he blogs and why others blog. I think that the simple fact of the matter is that content is king (cliché, i know, but it's true). I need to start enjoying what I am blogging about. Not writing headlines for the aggregators and focus on topics that interest me.Maybe I am talking absolute rubbish, but maybe not.


links for 2007-05-16


links for 2007-05-15