Choir of confusion

One of my best friends, Erin, sings in the UCT Choir. They are up in JHB for the week doing a little tour or something. I went to watch them perfom last night at a church near the Zoo Lake.

Wow, what an experience. I mean the choir is great, they girls are hot, they can all sing, etc etc etc bullshit. Wonderful. But here we sat, watching a half Jewish girl (Erin), her dad who is jewish and many other religions, races and creeds singing songs about Jesus, about the new and old testament, Im an atheist and I was listening to it. Dont get me wrong, i can appreciate the validity of the half sacred half secular vibe that they choir attempts. But seriously, why is it that choirs must sing in churches, and must sing sacred songs written in the early hundreds by some dude that we have never heard of???

The second part of the show was a much better, upbeat, secular, African jives etc. Lots of fun, and it was fun cause the choir wasnt trying to hang themselves by the cross hanging over their heads. Seriously, they became enjoyable because they were singing in english (And Zulu amongst other African Langauges) and not in Latin, who sings in latin anymore?

I know it sounds great and is moving to the elderly folk in the audience but times they are a changin believe it or not. So lets get it on (the al green version not the Celebrity Death Match version), lets make love tonight, lets get fucked up and lets sing the praises of the lives we lead, not the lives that some latin guy lead a gagillion years ago.

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