Amatomu Releases Technorati Ranking On Homepage

It seems as though Amatomu are going straight for the jugular in the aggregation market and Technorati is on the hitlist. The creators of Amatomu are clearly not worried about competition in the form of their biggest competitor internationally and this new feature is a testament to their confidence.Vincent Maher said that this feature is not even available as a Technorati service, which I find astounding and somewhat ironic. You can now see where your blog is placed in terms of Technorati ranking in relation to other SA Blogs... on Amatomu.technomatomu.gifI think that Vincent has done another sterling job in providing users of Amatomu with another reason to stay on the site and use the statistics that are provided. I am sticking with Amatomu until I have a reason to leave, which seems very far away for now.


Fresh Faced Comic - Russell Peters


links for 2007-04-26