Amagama Gets A Redesign

I wonder what sort of backlash Vincent and the MG team will receive for this little change?amagamanewpage.jpgOK, so it isn't really a little change. There are some significant differences featured on the new Amagama homepage. For one thing, there are no recent comments appearing on the homepage and no recent blog posts. In the place of the recent blog posts there is a tag cloud that seems to be displaying all of the hot topics in the realm of Amagama.Previous complaints from old Blogmark users about the previous version of the Amagama homepage were that the community aspect had left the platform. This is definitely apparent now with the new updates.Amatomu, the other MG blog resource is now also featured on the site. While there are links to recent comments and the homepage does show who is online and a list of new blogs, I feel like there is a wave of Amabadmouthing coming the way of the Vincent. Sorry buddy, lets hope it pans out differently.It seems as though Vincent has attempted to make conversion from Blogmark blog to Amagama a lot easier on the new homepage and registration seems to be simpler.


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