Absa takes no responsibility for fraud

I have just tried to log on to my Absa Internet banking. Not so much.I can log on, I enter my passwords and that's all fine. Then a disclaimer pops up with no option but to agree.The disclaimer says:

Absa has informed me and requested me on several occasions not to respond to any e-mail which requests me to supply me Internet Banking PIN, ATM PIN or any personal details including my Cellphone or e-mail addresses. Should I respond to an e-mail as described above and as a result thereof, fraud is committed on my account, I agree that I shall not hold Absa Bank Ltd liable for any loss/es which I may suffer.


Absa has informed me about the risk of doing Internet Banking at public accessible computers as found in Internet Café's, Hotel Lobbies and even reputable public accessible Business Centres. These computers are often infested with spy ware that record your keystrokes and pass it on to a third party without your knowledge. Fraudsters use your account details to log on to your service and defraud you of your funds. I acknowledge and agree that in the event that I do my Internet Banking at public accessible computers and as a result thereof, my logon credentials are stolen and fraud is committed on my account, I shall not hold Absa Bank Ltd liable for any loss/es which I may suffer.

What a load of bullshit. There is no option but to accept these "terms" if you want to access your banking online. Done, finished, kla, over. Now I don't agree with this in any way. This is much like a big brother in society saying to the little guy (me): "I am big, I have money, and I take no responsibility if our systems are compromised."How? How can a bank the size of Absa take NO responsibility for their security and any breaches that occur while using THEIR system.This is easily one of the most cowardly things I have seen from a company. I log on to my banking at work, that is technically a public computer. So if I have a case of fraud on my account in the future, Absa can simply claim that I used a public computer and this is not any of their problem. What a load of shit.What do you think?


Interview - Jon Blair, Director of Murder Most Foul


links for 2007-10-06