4 hours in the hot seat and my tattoo is done

What an incredibly long day. All admin aside (it's really not that much of a big deal to discuss) I was awake at 5:30 am yesterday. which meant a very, very long day for me.Had breakfast with a friend who is moving to Australia today. Big move. Then misjudged my timing and thought it was 9:45 but it was actually 8:45. An entire hour early. Anxious and waiting for the tattoo parlor to open.Eventually it opened and I was the first in. First come, first serve. And I was first.I'm not going to blab on too much. I must say though, this one hurt, alot. I had forgotten how much it could hurt. And I had underestimated the pain relative to the size of the actual tattoo. So before I bore you, here's the gallery.

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