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Why can't I say fuck? Oops...

I think I just did. Say fuck, that is. And what is so wrong with that.I rarely go in to a meeting where the words shit, fuck, bullshit or any other level of "cursing" isn't used anymore. And I think it's perfectly acceptable.I just read a blog post about "How to lose followers on Twitter" which one of the ten ways to do so is to swear. I just don't get it. It's a word like any other, it's in the dictionary and in years gone by it might've been frowned upon but alas, no longer.I also don't buy the stupid adage that states people who swear don't have the vocabulary to use another word. That is just patently untrue. I think my grasp of the English language is relatively good but I love using the word FUCK and SHIT and DICK and any other word that fits the profile. It assists me in emphasizing my point.So could someone please explain to me why Fornication Under Consent of the King (FUCK) is such a damn bad word? Please.Oh - and don't get me started on blasphemy.