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What the Bleep do we know?

I have just watched an interesting and thought provoking film... documentary... im not sure what it was, ok?

The documentary is called "What the bleep do we know?"

The movie is based on and attempts to put forward theories of quantum physics. For those of you who are unaware, quantum physics plainly put is the science of possibility. There is obviously a whole huge chunk of this theory that is attached to science of some kind or another; such as the atomic theories, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, quantum electrodynamics, chromodynamics and electroweak theory. Yet this movie did not really focus on this aspect of quantum physics. There was a more inquisitive tone and existential feeling to the documentary.

Why are we here? What is my purpose? etc etc etc. These are the questions that became the focus of the film. Religion, love, addiction and many other troublesome man made creations were spoken of. You are your own god. You can create your own reality. You do create your own reality whether you are aware of it or not. If you are a victim in your own life, you are choosing to be that victim and therefore allowing yourself to be more receptive to the victim status that you have chosen.

If you say you are in love how do you know? Are you addicted to that feeling? is it the person, the way that person makes you feel that keeps you coming back to that feeling of euphoria? Or is it simply love; inexplicable, incredible, painful love?

Does god really exist? Or did organised religion create this omnipitent figure to rule over our choices and place us on a path that is easily manipulated and dominated by anothers' perception of what your reality should be? To run with this particular example, I am somewhat of a religious sceptic if you will, ok im a big fat atheist. THERE I SAID IT! So obviously I believe that the wonders of god do not exist in reality, or in my reality (to maintain or existential direction). I have for a long time felt that religion is a variation of fear and weakness that has been spread by those who are more insecure than anyone else to control the world (yes, yes, i know this is awfully conspiritorial). You can't handle your life and its' issues, so you ask god to do it for you. That way, when it all falls down it isn't really your fault, it's god's choice for your life. Bah, hogwash and all the other interjections I could use at this juncture.

I think that quantum theories hold more truth and possibilty than any other religion i have encountered (given the number of religions I have been exposed to is somewhat limited). I am the master of my own destiny, I choose my path, I take the blame and the responsibility for everything that happens to me. No "god" let me fail or created my success, I did and that is that.

These are all my own personal thoughts, I am not discrediting the possibility that religion works for some people and it may be proven to be the way, the light and the truth at some point in the future, the distant, distant and possibly non-existent future. I just cannot place my life in the hands of another, possibly non-existent being.

As the motto of this blog states: "There are no coincidences. Live every moment like it's your last. My World, My Views, My opinion," and a little addition to that: My reality.

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