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The Old South African Flag - Offensive And Upsetting


Disclaimer: I am about to rant, a lot, and my opinions might piss some people off, unfortunately when it comes to this topic, I don't care.I went to the Portuguese festival in Johannesburg this weekend, Lusito Land. At this festival there were many different types of people, Greeks, Portuguese, Italian, English amongst many others. Two of these people were wearing t-shirts that offended me to no end; the old South African Flag proudly displayed on their moronic and ignorant backs. The old South African flag does not represent the Afrikaans people who are thinking, progressive and good people. In my humblest of opinions this flag represents the dregs of society, the people who believe in oppression, ignorance and racism. I cannot believe that anyone would still have the guts to wear this outdated insult on their body that once represented so much hatred and pain.You, sirs, are fools and the only reason that I didn't say something to you is because you were about 25kg's heavier than me. Nonetheless I understand what it is that these people were trying to get across but unfortunately I think that they were doing it in the wrong way. The flag below represents all that liberal and free thinking South Africans (not to mention the world) fought against and thrive to undermine everyday here in the New South Africa.Take that flag and stick it where you think it best belongs... and I'm not talking about your wall.oldsa-flag.jpg