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The corruption of an apathetic electorate

Recently I have been staying away from politically fuelled articles but I just can't keep my mouth shut on this one.Read this article about Jacob Zuma's new mansion and where he found the funds. Here's a snippet:

Yet as his people struggle in squalor, South African president Jacob Zuma has sparked outrage by spending £17.5 million (R248m) to upgrade his rural family home.

The fact that Jacob Zuma is our president makes me angry with the South African electorate. All those people who chose not to vote. This is what you get, you bunch of apathetic arm-chair protestors.I am not embarrassed by the country, we have a magnificent country with amazing people who do incredible things. I am saddened by the people voting for this man as our leader and I am enraged by the people who do not exercise their vote when it matters.I am outraged by Zuma's actions and if these allegations are proven to be true, the people of South Africa need to rebel against this level of blatant corruption and misuse of much needed aid and our trust.