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Survivor's dead goat

I wasn't fortunate enough to see Survivor SA last night but apparently a goat was "murdered" and left for the tribe to eat. Shock flipping horror, a goat died.Now on the radio this morning two people called in to a show shocked and appalled that they were "forced" to see a dead goat. Note, they did not actually see the goat's throat slit, they saw it after the event, dead.Why I am blogging about this is because vegetarians piss me off. There are various types of vegetarians that I can classify in my mind. For the purposes of this post I am only going to be talking about 2: Political vegetarians and Food vegetarians.Political vegetarians are making a stand. They don't eat meat because animals are creatures too and they aren't shy to let you know that you are a pig, a dog, an animal, a brute and more for eating meat of any kind.While a Food vegetarian simply does not enjoy eating meat and prefers vegetable. I like this type of vegetarian, I know some, intimately and they are lovely people.Do you know why they are lovely people? Because they aren't force feeding me their political bullshit about not eating animals being right. Food vegetarians love to eat, they love to cook for you and love vegetables. I now love vegetables and cooking thanks to a vegetarian of the Food kind.But on the radio today the two idiots who called in were definitely Political Vegetarians. They were insistent that showing a dead goat on TV was wrong. Let me ask them a question: Do you watch the news on TV? If you do, why aren't you violently against reading watching and hearing about murder, rape and other violent crimes against HUMAN BEINGS. Do you switch of the TV?On that point, NO ONE is forcing anyone to watch Survivor and the dead frikkin' goat. If you don't want to watch anything like that then change the channel, it's easy and it's called self regulation. If you don't want to self regulate yourself it means that you just want to be political and make a point.And finally, the two people on the radio (the Political veggies) insisted that "did not like having it pushed down their throat" when the goat was on TV with its throat slit. How is that pushing anything on anyone? Let's flip the situation around shall we, what if the tribe was forced to only eat vegetables? Would these vegetarians feel that us meat eaters were having their beliefs forced down our throats? Methinks not.It's always different in someone else's shoes, but some political vegetarians are fast becoming like staunch christians who bible bash. Not fun for anyone.