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Some people are meant to live...No matter what.

This is a rock

It is a big rock. Those are skid marks on the road and at the bottom of the photo you can clearly see debris. The debris is from a car. A car that is very much now broken and has been for a few years. My brother had a car accident about 3 or 4 years ago. Blogging really wasnt around back then so I didnt have a forum to publish these photos. The story is one filled with "coincidence" (I dont believe in coincidence) and events that should never have happened, but did. These events saved his life. I wont explain the story cause I think that these photos speak louder than any Arrive Alive advert

Oh, the rock weighs approximately 5 tons.

This is what a 5 ton rock does to a BMW

And this:

I believe that these are a few very good reasons not to speed. For a couple of years dearest John insisted that he wasnt speeding. The proffesionals came in and calculated speeds of over 180Km/h.

Now make a choice. Speed. Or not speed. Its up to you.

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