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Saddam hanged - wise move?

I received a text this morning at about 8am from a news website in South Africa. The text simply said: "Saddam Hussein Executed". This was enough.Most people would think that this sort of text would fill you with something slightly positive. But not me. I'm not sure why. I'm not going to explain the intricacies of the hanging because it's all over the news anyways. I am going to say that I think that the killing of any man as an example is a silly move. Hanging a man will not end the violence in Iraq. It will not make the fighting stop and the people calm down. In fact I think that it will do the opposite.How can it be claimed that the death of a man, the murder of a man is a move in the right direction for a newly democratic state. Saddam deserved to die, he deserved to suffer but he was made an example of by the Americans who dominate Iraq. 30 people have already been killed in Iraq by a car bomb after the hanging. Violence will not stop. One man does not equal peace or war in many situations.Saddam should have been made more of an example of by keeping him alive, by showing other dictators and people who wish to follow in his path what will happen to you if you make the mistakes he did. Keep him alive and punish him for the rest of his living days. Do not give him the pleasure and satisfaction of a death that is fairly swift.