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Online Threats From The Website Theif

I have previously posted about my MyBlogLog woes and a certain registered users, Hecubus who stole the registration of one of my websites. I asked for some help and Paul from Chilibean pulled in and made some moves to right the situation.I thought that all was done and justice had been served, apparently not. Hecubus is back and making idle threats on this very blog. I am not impressed. What makes someone believe that they have the right to threaten other people when they themselves were the fools who were conducting irresponsible and illegal business. You, Hecubus, are out of line. Step back in to that box of yours and calm down. I was justified in the acquisition of my right to register a site that I OWN THE RIGHTS TO!!!!!!! Think before you type my friend because you might think that you know what you are doing, but I strongly disagree. Justice prevails, and it will in this situation.For your viewing pleasure:hecubuscomment.gif