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Niche websites - Deputy Dog

We have all heard the "blogging elite" in the world talk about niche blogs and their effectiveness. I have rarely found a blog that sparks my interest in the "niche" category but this one has.depdog.jpg
Deputy Dog has no "about" section so I am going to make one up. The site focuses on phenomenal things. Let me be more specific. The author actively seeks incredible photos, stories and videos of amazing phenomena such as double story winding bridges, planes almost crashing in to one another and many posts such as "The world first...".It's kind of a "World first, biggest, oldest, largest etc etc etc" blog. Which I find fascinating. You can't take everything (or anything) on the blog as gospel but I can read this sort of stuff for hours. Much like that old show Ripley's believe it or not on TV, this blog really makes me want to click back in to the archives.Do yourself a favour and read the blog now.