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Mumps day three - it's not fun

When I went to the doctor yesterday he very swiftly mentioned that I will only feel worse as the days go by and then I'll get better.Boy was he right. Couldn't sleep last night, went to bed at 2 am. Woke up consecutively at 05:30, 06:00, 06:30 and the woke up properly at 7am. That's no fun. When you are sick you are meant to be able to sleep late and long hours. Not so much.How does one actually sleep when it's both sides of your jaw that are sore and in contact with the pillow? I'll tell you; you don't.The best part of all of this is that I really just want to get to work so I can get the next edition of FM Campus out. But I can't cause I'll infect the whole office. That's bad. So I am working from home.Oh, and I realised at some point yesterday that if I am not careful mumps could make me sterile. NICE.