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Morgan Tsvangirai quits, now what?

This is not a post written by a politically educated man. This is not a post written by a journalist who worked at 702 4 years ago when Tsvangirai's struggle was only starting to become visible to the public. This is a post written of a desperate feeling of sadness and disappointment.What now? Where does Zimbabwe go from here? Can it get any goddam worse for the poor people of a once stunning country?The people of Zimbabwe are now set to suffer for a long time. Human rights injustice is not a bad word in that country right now, it is almost par for the course. Now, it is only going to get worse. The people are going to suffer. Everyone. Not just white, not just black, everyone.It breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes thinking about how many people are suffering and how few people are willing to assist them. Fuck the politicians, the big corporates or anyone else who is benefitting from the situation in Zimbabwe, dammit all to hell there are people dying.Has society taken so many steps backward that we condone the mass killing of hundreds of thousands and the torment of so many more. Has the Western World lost so much punch that they talk about change but don't implement it. Have we all lost our fucking minds?I feel so much sympathy and so much respect for Morgan Tsvangirai. The man has tried, he has been arrested, beaten, broken and watched his family, friends and colleagues be murdered for a cause that is virtually all but lost now. I pity him for the lack of support he has from South Africa and the world. I pity the world even more for letting the good people of Zimbabwe lose.I pity society if this is what we have become.