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KES boy murdered - WTF?

I went to an all boys school. I loved it, but one thing I know is that when it comes to house parties anything can happen. I mean anything, and that was proven with the murder of the King Edwards student at the weekend.What a shocking, shocking situation. The boys parents must be racked and stunned. And if the little shits that did this are found and found guilty, then I hope they go to jail for a long time.But there are always two sides to every story and I must say that I feel the media has only presented one side. KES has been heralded as a prestigious school with honour, upstanding pupils and any other flattering word you can imagine. But this in only a quarter of the picture.I know my fair share of all-boys-schools and I've mixed with them in JHB. Let me tell you that none, not a single one, not even (and especially not) my old school. We can and probably never will not ever know the truth of that evening.My point: This shit needs to stop. This school rivalry, revenging, avenging bullshit needs to end and now. Let this be a damn lesson to all those who are going after the murderers, you will come off second best. Let sleeping dogs lie and walk away.