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It's a new year. And? And I'm really ...

It's a new year. And?And I'm really bored of hearing people's resolutions. You resolve what, exactly, that you didn't resolve last year? And that phrase, it also bugs me, "Last year". You mean 5 days ago right? That's all it's been, there is no big revolutionary change that all of sudden will make you able to go to gym more, lose that backstreet boy you ate in 2009, quit smoking or whatever other "bad" habit you want to rid yourselves of.2010 is a mere 4 days in and already I'm irritated by petulant people talking bullshit and singing the praises of the new year. Pah. Idiots.I'm not going to set any new year resolutions as I did not last year. I am going to set myself some goals.Some of these are listed below. Some are new and some (a fair amount are carried over from last year):1. Reacquaint myself with the Greek language.2. Skydive3. Bungee Jump4. Learn a 4th language5. Go for cooking lessons – My preferance is Thai food and Wok cooking.6. Learn how to make sushi.7. Go overseas – Preferably to somewhere I’ve never been. I hear Thailand is beautiful.That's it. Seven attainable goals for 2010 (some actually carried over from 2008. Wow, that's depressing.