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I think I hit a nerve

Uhuru Guru, The editor of Why South Africa Sucks, is pretty pissed off at me and has had no trouble in letting me know:

So, little Nic the piepiejoller wet behind the ears wanker decides to get all self-righteous about my blog. Listen up, little pip squeak – you know diddly squat, OK? I’m not even going to dignify your hysterical little rant beyond these few words. You’re a deluded little puss and your thinking is aeons behind mine. Perhaps one day you will catch up, I just hope its not after some simian ape has stretched your sphincter, shot you in the head or raped your mother. As for the rest of your poorly written, grammatically incorrect little screed, I can only say "a hearty FUCK YOU" to you. You’re a snivelling little brat, be off already, little boy!

Wow that's aggressive. Let's hope there is some semblance of an argument from the guru type guy in the near future that can help his cause because this little post has done nothing for him.Read my response to this comment and the full post at These guys suck and so do their blogs.PS: You spelled "aeons" and "snivelling" wrong. Good work on the spelling and grammar.