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I Shmaak Amatomu's New Features

I just logged on to Amatomu and notices that "Schaak it" and "Add to favourites" are options now available to logged in users.This is a very much needed feature that drifts towards Technorati-ish style. It also does step in to Muti and Afrigator territory a bit in my mind. Nevertheless, I think it is a feature that is necessary and only adds weight to the Amatomu hype thus far.It is possible to view your favourited and Shmaaked items by logging in and clicking on the relevant menu tabs. Once there all of your favourites and Shmaaks are available to peruse. I expect next will be the ability to add friends to your account and view and share their Shmaaks and Friends, but that's just my thoughts on the subject!The "On Fire" tab on the menu displays blogs in order of their "Shmaaks" as far as I can see. This is a great way to gauge who is digging what blogs (no "digg" pun intended). All in all it seems to be a simple to use and effective system of people approach to their blogging habits. Again, a great addition by the MG team.onfire.jpg