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Hoffmeyer Almost Backs Anti Religion Rock Concert

Hoffmeyer said, and I quote: he could "almost associate" with rock musicians wanting to hold a concert to warn people of the dangers of religion, according to a story at News24.That is an extremely brave statement from a man who's main audience are surely christians second to none. Steve really is loving the controversy these days!I have got to agree with this kind of concert and I am sure that Kevin will back me up here, if christians are allowed to hold concerts in the name of their cause and are allowed to have christmas concerts then why shouldn't there be a concert warning people against the effects of religion too? Don't get me wrong, I am not mudslinging the christians here, the concert will apparently speak of the dangers of all religions and religion in general.The only issue I have with the concert is that they are planning to have it on 7/7/7 (July 7th 2007). Now I am not bleak because this should be some sort of holy godly number with all the sevens or something like that, I am bleak because that is the day that Live Earth is coming to Jo'burg. That concert will rock.Back to the dangers of religion. There are so many opportunities for christians to help themselves look good (ok maybe not good, maybe just better) in the media but they don't. This guy didn't: "I believe the movement is demonic and inspired by Satan, but that Christians don't have to feel threatened, because God is stronger than Satan," Said Dr Isak Burger, president of the Apostolic Faith Mission. Do me a favour you moron. You think that because anyone is going against your prayer day that they must be demonic and satanistic. That is ignorance of the highest order you tosser.Is it not more ridiculous to actually believe that a day in a year (7/7/7) is going to convey your prayers to god more effectively than on any other day? if 'the big guy/girl' hasn't answered your prayers yet then 7/7/7 is not going to change that I'm afraid.The only praying that I will be doing on that day is that they turn up the volume at the Live Earth Rockathon baby!!