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Google Share price reaches 9 month High

Not only has Google's share price recently reached $459,67, but it has surpassed HP, the worlds largest technology company's market value of $108 billion, at $143 billion.This is unbelievable. I picked up the Google Share Price Story on the MG online earlier.I have some questions and concerns about this whole Google issue that I hope someone can clear up, answer, share in my fears or something, I dunno. When does Google stop? Is Google becoming the new Microsoft in terms of industry monopolies? What happened to Google aiming to push the envelope of technology development, now all they do is acquire ideas they couldn't do themselves. They seem to have lost a bit of their spunk and exuberance as a cutting edge company.I am obviously speaking from the opinion of someone who is simply a web user, not a web proffessional, and it concerns me that there is no competition on a major level to Google. It concerns me that my life online is somewhat dependant on making use of now and newly acuired google products. In fact, I am using one right now... blogger. hmmm. mainstream is not the way, mainstream is just not the way.