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Go Pepsi Yourself

screwpepsi.gifI have been listening with great frustration to the Pepsi radio advert campaign. I am frustrated because I actually prefer drinking Pepsi to Coke.The adverts on the radio sound something like this:I Love Pepsi, but what if we Pepsi together and our Pepsi doesn't Pepsi properly then we'll have a Pepsi and our Pepsi's will be Pepsied. So lets not Pepsi tonight, let's wait till the Pepsi and Pepsi when we are properly Pepsied. But the Pepsi might not be Pepsi then and our Pepsi will be Pepsied for Pepsi. What a Pepsi if our Pepsi doesn't Pepsi like it used to Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi.You get the idea.I think it so unbelievably ridiculous that this actually counts as advertising. This is subliminal advertising without the subliminal part. This campaign shamelessly lacks creativity and innovation in my opinion. It simply spews out mindless words that force you to say the word Pepsi, think the word Pepsi and talk about the stupid advert from Pepsi. There is no choice here, there is no option, there is no thought behind it there is just...Pepsi. And it disappoints me.There will be those people responding to this post who will argue that the advert does its job because even though I hate it, I am still posting about it. True. The advert does its job, and oh so well but this is what I find problematic. As consumers we love stupid things like this, we allow marketers to make us look moronic and mindless. We (myself included) do not stand up and shun the advert, complain or boycott the product.I am not an idiot and refuse to let marketers and brand managers at Pepsi think that I am one. I will not be drinking Pepsi, they have lost a client and I hope I am not alone on this one.