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Full or partial RSS feeds - Follow up

This is a fairly tough post to be writing because I really don't have any conclusive answers to the questions I posed and thoughts I put forward in my first post about RSS feeds.After I blogged about full vs partial feeds I decided to make my feeds partial. The only response I have had has been bad. Two people have emailed me saying that they are close to unsubscribing to my feed cause the feeds were partial. This, in theory, is enough to make me revert back to full feeds.Justin and I were chatting about this issue further and we both believe that SA bloggers need to start creating RSS subscribers as a point. Instead of simply blogging and rambling on, we should start doing whatever we can as bloggers to get the number of RSS subscribers up on our blogs. This will assist in creating hits for your blog irrespective of whether you use full or partial feeds.One of the biggest issues that has been raised with me is that people using RSS do so because they don't have time to read every blog they wish to at the blog itself. This makes sense to me actually. By offering partial feeds for about two weeks now, all I have really done is piss off RSS users.Justin then had a great point, he liked one of the posts on my blog - links to WP themems. He clicked through to my site and was then sent to the theme. He wanted to comment on my post but had already clicked 3 times to somewhere else and was over it. If I had full RSS feeds he could've clicked through to my post and the link site and seen bot and commented on both with far greater ease. Good point.I may have received a visit from Justin, but I missed out on his comment. Which is worth more to you as an author?So my conclusion is Full posts in RSS are far better for me and my audience. So back to full posts it is. As of now.