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Forty Sumtin' Dollars a Day

JT (Justin Timberlake) has a new album out, this album has an awesome song on it called Losing My Way. The song has a great feel to it and is catchy, as most JT songs are.There is something that pisses me off so much about this song. It speaks of "the pipe" and speaks of poverty, dropping out of school and failure. The opening line: "Hi my name is Bob I work at my job, I make forty-sumtin' dollars a day." What pisses me off is that JT in all his wealth reckons that $45 (+-) a day is a poverty stricken, drug induced wage. My son, let me tell you that JT has no fucking clue about poverty. If you work out the conversion and a monthly salary on $45 a day it comes to a whopping R6930 a month. Fuckin' shit bags that's not bloody bad if you ask me.I recently did a story on a project for the blind in a township in Jo'burg. there were 16 people that worked at this project. The monthly grant for unemployed blind people is +-R900. The project was earning each of them a couple hundred more. Lets work that out in dollars for Mr. JT:Call it R1000/22 working days = R45 per working daytake that R45 and divide it by an equal $7 = $6.49 per dayThat is what I call extreme poverty for normal people. $6.49 wage. That is twisted shit.JT you are a spoilt brat who cons the American Mob of idiots in to believing that 40-sumtin' dollars a day is slave wage. You moron, open your eyes.