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Facebook is trying to take on the Internet and Email an' all an' all

I just read this post on the Facebook blog. It says that you can now send messages to people not on Facebook via their emails.When typing a note, message, invite or anything else, simply type in an email address and click send. The person on the receiving end will be able to view the message and/or respond to events without registering. Following a "wall" conversation does involve the person signing up.At the end of the post the author (a developer and I am guessing the developer on this particular project or app or development) states the he (in the third person) will never, ever use email again.PAH!! You talk such utter rubbish you arrogant tosser. Facebook can claim all they bloody well like that this sort of minor development will stop people from using email in the real world (read: world outside of Facebook). Get real buddy. Facebook is seriously starting to piss me off, seriously. Alot. Everyday.