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Facebook goes all MySpace on this the beginning of the end?

It had to happen. If you are going to open up Facebook (FB) to third party applications you have to expect that someone will come along and change things for those who want change.I hate MySpace because it's so unbelievably kitch and cheesy. Now FB can be those things too. Have a look at my profile.I read about the application that allows you to do this on ReadWriteWeb. I am all for democracy and choice and blah blah blah, but I honestly think this is horrid.What are your thoughts?The application is put out by PageRage and will definitely help you take one step closer to a MySpace feel to your FB. I'm not convinced about the necessity for this sort of thing.*Note: You need to install the application to see my profile on Facebook and to see anyone else who has an altered profile. I cannot be held liable if your friends leave you and no one writes on your wall subsequent to adding this application to your Facebook.