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Facebook busts Oxford students

Oxford Proctors are using Facebook to discipline students. Wow. That is some serious news.I have blogged about online profiles before and the importance of keeping a squeaky-clean record online. This is proof.The students were quoted as being shocked and pissed off that their photographs had been viewed by their university. I am not shocked by this at all in fact. I think that students are ignorant, foolish and naive if they think that they can break the rules of their campus, post the photos online ANYWHERE and expect to remain unknown. Morons.It is not a difficult process to locate photos of people within certain networks, groups, social circles or any other classification.

"I don't know how this happened, especially as my privacy settings were such that only my friends and students in my networks could view my photos."It's quite unbelievable and I am very pissed off, [I] just hope that no-one else gets 'caught' in this way."

said Alex Hill, one of the students charged with misconduct.All one needs to do is start a Facebook profile, join the oxford network, find one or two friends in this network and search through their photographs. The tags are there, the links are there, the connections are undeniable.It is more appalling to me that these students honestly believed they would not be found. And concerning to me that the Proctors at a university like Oxford have nothing better to do with their time than search through tagged photos of their students. Tsk, Tsk.This however does speak to more than just students. With Facebook being open to the masses (any age, nation, gender, race, creed, colour etc etc) anyone can see anything from anyone. This means that if you are at work and gefoffeling with the wrong person from work and you get caught out, you could be in trouble. Remember, your bosses could be online, they could be watching and with Facebook around there are eyes everywhere.