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Ever wondered if you are hated?

I have. I often wonder how many people I truly piss off on a daily basis. I am pretty sure the number is high.Controversy has never scared me off and probably never will. Being a loud, outspoken and a calculating kind of person I don't imagine that I win over many people on my first try - or even the second.But then again, who cares? I recently decided that I am probably pretty disliked on the blogoshpere and in "real life" without even knowing it. I cause alot of kak and that is definitely not helped by some of the bloggers that I am friends with.Now I know that there are some people who will comment on this post that I am trying to win over favour and get people to tell me how much they like me. I'm not. I don't really mind if you do dislike me.I'm just asking a simple question: Have you ever wondered if you are hated?I have.