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Erik Hersman in SA

Having met Erik just once a while back at one of the first 27 dinners I jumped at the chance to catch up with him this time round in SA. For those of you who know nothing of Erik he is the founder of WhiteAfrican, Afrigadget and Ushahidi among many other things I am sure.The first meeting was the "tweetup" held at Garsen's Capellos in Sandton. There I caught up with Erik and this is what he had to say:Then I attended the MobileActive08 conference and had a chance to talk with Erik again. We chatted about Kelele, the first African Bloggers Conference being held in Nairobi next year. The MobileActive08 conference was surprisingly very well organised, massive and educational. The reason I say I was surprised is because I really knew nothing of the conference before I attended. I handed out many, many, many business cards, connected with great people and learned alot.Erik, as always, is jetting of to Pop!Tech very soon so he's on the move but at least I managed to tie him down for a few minutes.