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Customise your Facebook Fan Page with FBML Application

I am not a serious programmer at all. I have never claimed to be. But I made the effort to learn the basics and can manipulate CSS. So it frustrates me that all of my Facebook Fan Pages look the same and look like everyone else's.Not anymore apparently. I discovered an application that you can add to your FB Fan Page that will allow you to create boxes on your Fan Page that you can code in to. It's called FBML. If you do a Facebook search for FBML you'll find a host of other apps and groups that can help you with the application and your skills.I was somewhat sceptical but decided to give it a go with my South Africa Rocks! Fan Page. It worked.Now I haven't spent much time on the two boxes that I have added so they are suffering from lack of attention but the proof that the FBML application works is there.Have a look:If you have used this app and have a great example (I know mine isn't so hot) of what FBML can do, let me know. If you are interested in messing around with it drop me an email or comment and I'll let you try some stuff out on the SA Rocks Fan Page for some experimentation.