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Chiliboy Ralepelle - Captain

This is un-fucking-believable and makes me so proud to be South African. I just read via my RSS reader on News24 that Chiliboy Ralepelle will be the first black captain, as well as the youngest at 20 years old, of the Springboks.


That is absolutely awesome. Him and old Jake White go way back to the SA under 21 world cup winning team. Jake being the coach Chiliboy being the captain. So in fact, this is a welcome and familiar change for both.However I must ask: is South Africa not pushing their players forward too quickly? Old Jacques Francois Stein is only a young 19, Chilliboy captain at 20. Where to from here? 16 year olds? I personally think we are breaking our players in to mainstream a bit too early. They haven't hit their peaks mentally or physically and could potentially crumble and destroy their rugby careers if they aren't careful. Why not rather bench them and integrate them slowly in to the team with time and care and caution?Check out the Chumpstyle for more opinion on this topic.