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Business lessons from Cirque du Soleil

Last night I went to see DRALION by Cirque du Soleil - presented by T-Systems. It was one of the most visual stimulating things that I have witnessed in recent years. In fact it was an all-round sensory experience not to be missed.That's not why I'm writing this blog post. Sitting there listening to and watching the show I was taken by how perfect of an experience the show was and started to wonder what I could learn.Here are a few things I noticed:

Work with only the best

Every single person that formed part of the crew (performers, backstage staff, lighting, sound, band, etc) were absolutely brilliant at what they did. No exceptions. I can just imagine the shows director striving for perfection with every single part of the show. Don't settle for anyone who is not the best.

Do one thing and do it well

This is not new but is absolutely imperative. No one in the show that I could see did more than one job. If you juggled in the show that's all you do. You do it for maybe 10 minutes in the entire show but for that ten minutes you are the center of attention and the best at what you do. You don't then pick up a skipping rope or a clown nose and do a jig. You juggle. Do one thing and do it well.

Every detail matters

Cirque has mastered the art of distraction. When they want you to look left a light flickers and you look left. Occasional that's when I'll choose to look right and see what's going on. In many shows the crew is resting. In Cirque the crew is hustling. The performers are still going at it (in the dark) and playing their part. No detail is left unattended to. The costumes are immaculate, music is fantastic, lighting sets the mood, smoke appears when it needs to. Everything in it's place.

Work harder than anyone else

Everyone things they work hard but the people who really do, know that they work harder than anyone else. Watching this show I got the feeling that no one works as hard as them. Why did I get that feeling? Because at no point was there a noticeable mistake and at no point did anyone take a rest even if they weren't the center act. The performers knew what needed to be done, have practiced it a million times before and keep pushing each other to be better and work harder, the support staff are hustling to get the next act set up and the next act is already deep in it. No detail goes unattended.

Have fun

I have forgotten and remembered this particular lesson more times than I care to remember. Having fun is so important to ongoing success. The entire crew look like they have a ton of fun doing what they do. It's a good thing too, cause if you have to work as hard for as long and notice every detail as much as they do, you best love what you do and have fun with it.