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Atheist Bus Campaign

This is the sort of campaign that makes me smile inside, deep down in my gut. It's guerilla tactics make me proud and laugh at how easy it can be when there are passionate people similar to yourself out there.I found the campaign through Girl with a one-track mind. She aptly put it: "Things I am doing today: repeatedly clicking 'reload page' here and grinning, widely, from ear to ear, as I watch the donations increase, and the silent majority finally speaking out.It's a brilliant campaign: I cannot wait to see the posters on the buses."The Atheist Bus Campaign is a reactionary campaign in the UK to the religious adverts being placed on Red Buses in London.


The Atheist Bus Campaign launches today, Tuesday October 21 2008. With your support, we hope to raise £5,500 to run 30 buses across the capital for four weeks with the slogan: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."Professor Richard Dawkins, bestselling author of The God Delusion, is officially supporting the Atheist Bus Campaign, and has generously agreed to match all donations up to a maximum of £5,500, giving us a total of £11,000 if we reach the full amount - enough for a much bigger campaign. The British Humanist Association have kindly agreed to administer all donations.With your help, we can brighten people's days on the way to work, help raise awareness of atheism in the UK, and hopefully encourage more people to come out as atheists. We can also counter the religious adverts which are currently running on London buses, and help people think for themselves.As Richard Dawkins says: "This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think - and thinking is anathema to religion." The goal was to raise £5,500 and Richard Dawkins would match the figure of £5,500. Well you'll never believe it, in the space of 3 days the Atheist Bus Campaign has made it all the way up to £ 93,096.00.That equates to R1 659 901 at the current Rand-Pound exchange rate.The silent majority in the UK is clearly beginning to speak out. Wow.Cannot wait to see images of the buses.If you missed the photo above, the banners are going to read: