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Atheism and Christianity - someone needs to be right

I have been very cautious about bloging on this topic. The reasons are obvious. But I feel that it is time.It is no secret that I am an Atheist. Anyone who reads this blog will know that and I have no problem with others knowing it either. It is not something that I am ashamed of, as much of society dictates people in my position need to feel.I have been reading Jarred Cinman's blog on ThoughtLeader recently and he has made some great arguments on the topic, see "Why atheists are just plain right".My stance on religion (or lack thereof) comes under fire on a daily basis just about. I have no problem with this as I enjoy the topic and enjoy rational, reasonable debate around the topic.Note my use of the words rational and reasonable. There are some arguments that I will never accept as final from a christian; "Just have faith" is one of them and, "I simply believe" is another. Let me put it to you this way, I don't have faith and I don't believe. That is that.In the same way, I want to express something to those that challenge atheism and feel that we are wrong: We (atheists and christians) suffer from basic but opposite assumptions, I believe there is no god, you believe there is. At the end of the day this is where the argument starts and this is where it will always end. We do not believe the same thing. Simple.In my mind there is a very obvious reason for the raging debate however and this is where my post really starts. The reason is this:By the very nature that christians believe in the bible - which states that you need preach the word of god - they must innately believe that anyone who does not believe in the bible or Jesus or god is wrong. That's me. I'm wrong.Now I am taking a very scientific and analytical stance here. When I argue, I argue by asking what the difference is between my "wrongness" and how I perceive your beliefs to be "wrong"? There is no difference. Christians ask me to disprove the existence of their god, I ask them to prove it to me. They ask me to disprove heaven and I ask them to prove hell. There is no solution here.Yet without a solution we are lost. Why? Because one of us are wrong according to our belief systems.I am not going to continue providing examples, explanations and justifications as I think this is a very circular argument that will ultimately take us back to the starting point of differing belief systems. But why, why must I be wrong? Take a second and think, is it possible, for a split second, that you could be wrong?